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Four Greek Universities Will Use Turnstiles to Restrict Access


Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. (Photo by Eurokinissi/ Vasilis Ververidis)

ATHENS – In a move seen certain to set off vehement opposition from some student groups and the country’s left-wing, four Greek universities are planning to install turnstiles to limit who can enter.

Admission would be allowed only for students, professors and other personnel with identification, said Kathimerini, but it wasn’t said how visitors or others wanting to be on the grounds for legitimate purposes could get in.

The plan comes as the New Democracy government also is going to put campus police on university grounds which drew fire from critics, and after asylum at universities was also ended.

The government wants the turnstiles to be operational as soon Sept. 2022 for the start of the school year and the paper said to avoid a bidding process that an unnamed donor is putting up 750,000 euros ($848,588) to pay for it.

The turnstiles are to be installed at Athens University – near the anarchist hotbed of Exarchia – Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Athens University of Economics and Business and Piraeus University.

It wasn’t explained how the turnstiles would be put in place at the various entrances to school grounds, some of which are wide open, nor who would be monitoring access through the turnstiles.


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