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Greece’s new Health Minister Plevris apologizes to the Jewish people


Greece’s newly appointed Health Minister Thanos Plevris apologized to the Jewish people and asserted he opposes any form of anti-Semitism. Plevris posted his apology on social media on Wednesday afternoon, following pressure by the Central Board of Jewish Communities in Greece (KIS).

Plevris said that he distances himself from his father’s position on the issue and assured , re-separates the position from his father’s views and assures that through his actions he will lift “even the slightest reservation ” of those who question his respect for the Holocaust.”

In his post on Twitter and Facebook Plevris said:

“My respect to the victims of the Jewish Holocaust is absolute and I am opposed to any form of anti-Semitism. I have shown it in many of my public posts in a way that is unquestionable. The objections of KIS in my face due to my speech as my father’s defense lawyer, with whom I completely disagree, are understandable.

I never, however, wanted to offend the Jewish people and I apologize if I did. I am sure that with my activity as Minister of Health I will lift the slightest reservation to those who question my respect for the Holocaust of the Jews and will find that in no case am I governed by anti-Semitic feelings.”

Wednesday morning, the KIS expressed concern over Plevris’s appointment and called him to apologize over his Auschwitz-statement at a Greek court in 2019, where he defended his father, a declared anti-Semite, Konstantinos Plevris.


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